Don't ask me where I've been all these years, but I never new the history behind New Year celebrations. This week, I have a design due for Frosted Designs based around the New Year and decided my layout will include a bit of historical knowledge.
Thought this was interesting enough to share with you (although I'm probably the last to know this):
"The New Year is the oldest holiday celebration in the world, first observed in ancient Babylon in 2000 BC in March during the Equinox. The Romans continued this tradition but their calendar continually changed, depending on what the current emperor wanted. With these calendar changes, the new year quickly became out of sync with the Equinox. In 46 BC, Julius Caesar established what is now known as the Julian Calendar with January 1 as the beginning of the New Year. The first of January was dedicated to the Roman god of gates and doors (and thus new beginnings), Janus. "
Disclaimer: I know the Notre Dame nuns probably drilled this into me for 12 years, but I think I probably was busy writing notes to my best friend. Feel free to pass this history lesson on to anyone who might have been exchanging notes for me during class.