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June 28, 2010



Yeah you! How cool is that? Congratulations!

Kathy Eddy

Congratulations Nancy! How wonderful for you! Bet you'll be framing that issue.

Tammy Tutterow

I can't wait to see it in person! I am so thrilled for you!


Wow, so exciting, congratulation!!

Hels Sheridan

Well done and many congrats to you hun....very deserved...I shall have to get you to sign my copy :O)) Hels x

diana redfern

good job nancy, can't wait to see it. how many copies will you be getting ???? lol congrats to you.

Debby Schuh

Congratulations! That is so exciting!!


Congrats!! :D

Lynn Warner

How EXCITING!! Rock on, art sister@

Lisa Phillippi

Super Cool! Congrats! I can't wait to get a copy in my hands!

Madelyn Butts

Congratulations!!! What a thrill. Can't wait to get my copy.

Cecile Nichols


You're hilarions, she said screaming in delight! No kidding! And, a well deserved "congratulations" again to you!

I look forward to seeing this issue!


missy j

AWESOME! that is soooo exciting! I SO can't wait to see it.


WOW !! swap partner --HOw excited I am for you !!!
YOur creations are wonderful !!!!!! Can hardly wait to see it -- I have been a big fan of anything Stampington - somerset studio for years (( many mags later --haha !! broke but still loving it )
COngrats !!! Congrats !!!!! KAthy - ga ♥ -countrychintz.blogspot.com

Becky T.

Congrats to you!!! How so very exciting *happy dance for you!* Can't wait to get that issue! :-)

Ruth Graham

So very Happy for you Nancy! You and your wonderful work are so deserving!!
Congrats to you........ Ruth ;)

Lynn Stevens

WOOOOHOOO A big Congrats to you!!! I can't wait to get the new issue!!

Gloria Stengel

Oh my word! I am screaming....I know her, I know her! hee hee What a wonderful bit of news! Congrats!!!!!

Candy Colwell

I am not stunned! You do fabulous work and Stampers Sampler knows beautiful work when they see it! 😊 Huge congrats! ❤️

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