Fair warning: long personal story ensues.
(and I'm not one for personal stories on blogs but here goes anyway).
I'm taking you back to January 1970.
I was in college and had just met my future husband
who hung out with a group of guys he had just met upon his return from Nam.
We had mutual friends (although we didn't know it yet)
and these friends were
had great girlfriends
fabulous dancers (and I loved to dance).
We all hung out.
And the girlfriends became great friends.
We called our group of guy and gal pals *The Armadillos*
because you had to be thick skinned to hang out with us.
(We even have a stuffed Armadillo as a mascot. He's been with us since the '70's . . . but I digress.)
I will say
I have never had so much fun,
laughed so hard
or partied as much as we did *back in the day*.
Some of us even worked together at TWA
we traveled together.
We became family.
Some of the boyfriends, husbands, whatevers came and went
(and some have stayed and put up with us)
and one of our best pals passed away from ALS.
But no matter what, the gals have stuck together.
Many moons ago, us gals named ourselves the *ABC's* - Armadillo Babes Club.
Here are some of us circa 1982
We got together last weekend and had a blast. No matter how long it is between visits, we never lose a beat when we're together. Like I said . . . family.
One of my ABC buddies has been battling cancer. She is such a fighter and full of inspiration. She was able to join us Friday night and even had a few sips of a cocktail. It was so good to see her.
I made this Graphic 45 tri-fold for Kathy. From start to finish, I had her in mind. Looking at Graphic 45's Steampunk Debutante and Renaissance Faire reminded me of Kathy. The women depicted in those papers are beautiful and strong, just like Kathy. I hope it reminds her that, no matter what, she's in my thoughts and prayers daily.
Armadillo Babes, I love you all
and Kathy, you know we're here when you need us (and even if you don't).
PS: If you'd like, there's more photos of this project on Graphic 45's blog.