Haven't played along with Stamping Ground's What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday in so long. Today's the day.
For the past couple of days, I've been working on filling a mini with photos I have from a trip made in 2000.
Here's how I start a project:
- Find the photos I want to work with.
- Sort through papers that would compliment the photos.
- Go through a boatload of stuff to see what would go with the theme.
When working on a mini, I don't think about how many of anything I'll need, I just start pulling what I think goes with the theme of what I'm doing. If I need 6 papers, I may get 18 papers and then sort from there.
I'm not necessarily neat when I work. I tend to lay everything out on a table and go through it like a mad women, knowing I saw something in that pile that would work with a photo.
Or maybe a stamp would work best . . .
Here's the first pages of the current mini in progress. I'm working on making pages inter-active. Don't you love when you open a book and you get to participate? That's what I want to do more of.
See that little @ sign?
Pull that and this is what you get:
And when it's all finished, everything goes back into the correct container: a place for everything and everything in its place.
It's so interesting to see what people from all over the world are working on. Visit Stamping Ground to see *what's up* this week on WOYWW.