The date was set: June 3, 1972
Our rehearsal dinner went off without a hitch in the private dining room at Bevo Mill.
Bill's bachelor party had happened two days prior and his plan was to get a good night's sleep before our wedding at 12 Noon the next day.
His friends had other plans.
Gerry called to see if he wanted to get *a beer* the night before.
And, the way the story goes . . .
- he was driven to the next bar (around midnight) by a cop to see our buddy Mike
- he saluted our friend Jim (at dawn the next morning) who was with the Reserves for the weekend and couldn't make the wedding (and that's all I'm saying about that little ride!)
- and about 5+ hours or so later he barely made it home in time to get dressed for the wedding
I will never forget Mike coming to the back of the church before the wedding saying to me *I have something to tell you*. Seeing Mike's face more serious than I had ever seen before, I thought he was going to tell me that Bill backed out. It's a second of *what's going on* running through a bride's head. I had no doubts that Bill loved me. So what could be happening? He was so serious!
Instead Mike said "Bill was out drinking all night with us."
Me: "and . . .".
Mike: "He's a little hung over."
Now you have to understand here that (at the time), I had never seen Bill where he couldn't hold his liquor. Had never seen him act drunk. Had never seen him hung over. I could never tell that he had too much to drink, or he was too drunk to handle things well. So for Mike to say this, I just couldn't image what Bill was like that morning!
Me: "Is he here?"
Mike: "Yes."
Me: "Is he standing?"
Mike: "Yes"
Me: "Is he dressed in his tux?"
Mike: "Yes."
Me: "Can he talk?"
Mike: "Yes"
Me: "Can he say *I do*"
Mike: "Yes"
Me: "Then don't worry."
Me: A huge sigh of relief.
(See photo above. Could you tell this man was hung over? Out all night drinking? Home in time to take a shower and dress for his wedding?)
(See photo above. Could my dress have any more material than what it did? Can you tell that's not all my own hair?)
A heartfelt ceremony at church took place followed by a beautiful afternoon reception at Grant's Cabin. I wanted a cocktail party atmosphere and that's just what we had with an open bar, hors d'oeuvres buffet and great music.
And . . .
we are all still telling the story of Bill, his buddies and their antics the night before our wedding and
40 years later
we're still laughing out loud
with some of the stories of that night (which I can't share with you here).
NANCY.....what a great you didn't think so at the time though!! A HUGE CONGRATS on 40 years!!!
Posted by: LynneF | June 03, 2012 at 04:34 AM
Congratulations and thanks for sharing the story!
Posted by: Helen Lindfield | June 03, 2012 at 04:47 AM
I remember it as if it were yesterday. Your soon-to-be mother-in-law sent Carl and I over to wake him up, since he could not be reached by phone. He was so late at this point, rushing to get ready, spilled mouthwash on his cravat. I had to switch ties with him...but we got him there (almost) on time. What a great day and what a great job you've done here, retelling the story. Congratulations to you both. What an accomplishment...40 years! Love you lots and could not ever imagine our family without you in it!
Posted by: Tom Wethington | June 03, 2012 at 08:30 AM
huge congrats 40 for us in October. it's hard to believe that they allowed 10 year olds to wed in the olden days!
cheers! here's to 40 more fun years.
Posted by: Wendy vecchi | June 03, 2012 at 08:41 AM
Happy Anniversary, Nancy! Wow... 40 years is fantastic!
Posted by: Marjie Kemper | June 03, 2012 at 12:27 PM
Sounds like the Hangover... I hope they looked at the pictures once before they deleted them, hmm...threw away the film! Ha!
Happy Anniversary!
Posted by: Missy | June 03, 2012 at 12:53 PM
Nancy my dress was allmost the same, Happy Anniversary!
Posted by: Sue B. | June 03, 2012 at 07:17 PM
Happy Anniversary! and many more to come. June 3rd is a great day, my husbands birthday! Betty
Posted by: Betty | June 03, 2012 at 09:20 PM
Yn gyntaf oll yr wyf am ddweud blog gwych! Roedd gen i gwestiwn gyflym y byddwn i'n hoffi gofyn os nad oes ots gennych. Yr oedd o ddiddordeb i gael gwybod sut yr ydych yn ganolfan eich hun ac yn glir eich syniadau cyn ysgrifennu. Rydw i wedi cael amser caled clirio fy meddwl i gael fy syniadau allan. Rwyf wir yn mwynhau ysgrifennu fodd bynnag 'i jyst yn ymddangos fel y 10 i 15 munud cyntaf yn cael eu gwastraffu yn gyffredinol ond yn ceisio at chyfrif i maes sut i ddechrau. Unrhyw syniadau neu awgrymiadau? Diolch yn fawr...
Posted by: air max tn pas cher | June 04, 2012 at 01:40 AM
Very funny story! Congratulations on your 40th...wishing you many happy years to come.
Posted by: Ann | June 04, 2012 at 01:20 PM
Congratulations! What a good story and I'm happy it's lasted for 40 years. What a cute couple too. You look like a little Philly dance team on Bandstand.
Posted by: Carolyn K | June 04, 2012 at 11:15 PM
Congraulations! What a great story. I'm so glad you shared it with us. Such a handsome couple. Still are.
Hugs, Bonnie
Posted by: Bonnie Heggemann | June 05, 2012 at 09:01 PM
Nancy, congrats, when we look at our olden photos, (thats what zoie calls them) we all look like kids, playing dress up. I think both look so sweet.
Posted by: dena r | June 09, 2012 at 08:24 AM
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Posted by: maillot de foot pas cher | June 15, 2012 at 02:05 AM