I think of myself as an organized person.
Grandma taught me
"A place for everything and everything in it's place".
That's how I grew up.
do I keep things in 3 different places
in files?
I am a collector of
paper arts tutorials & pretty photos,
the list goes on.
Right now, it's in 3 different places:
file folders in carts, Pinterest & Feedly.
So I'm going through my recipe file
& looking for the recipe on Pinterest.
Once I find the recipe,
I PIN it and recycle the paper recipe.
One more bin of recipes and that's finished.
Next up, Feedly
with years of ideas saved.
I'm transferring my Feedly saves to Pinterest.
But I'm still going to use Feedly
so I don't miss any of the blogs I follow.
I have several categories on Pinterest
and will keep those.
So that's what I've been up to between
Christmas and New Years day.
How do you organize online?